Seek Only This Inch and This Moment

Child, come and let go and allow the River to take you and slow all down that you may enter this Tabernacle with no noise or boundaries  that bind.  Come and be naked in all parts and corners that there can be no places hidden.  Come and allow my love to pernitrate you.  Come and allow your pores to take in how much you are loved.

Janine, my child, the noise pulls and clangs at you to run.  The noise pulls at you with the fleeting promises of gain.  But, my child, all that is gained by the noise is as the chains that bind for the noise works in the name of the Adam and Eve mind that asserts there is no God nor is there the mystical.

The childish ways of the Earth must give way to the mystical for the child within knows the mystical.  It is the childish ways without that carry the misguidedness of the world. The child that my Son speaks of is the child within that knows its God for the seed is carried in the deepest parts where the child within you abides.

Be still and listen for the child deep within you called Faith knows God.  The little one called Faith knows the mystical.  The little one called Faith calls to you to loosen the grip of the world and come again into the depths of the River of the I Am where joy, the Son of God, your mother and the Holy Spirit that holds all of the yes abide.

Child, I ask only that you absorb the great love that awaits you within the River of the I Am.  Seek only this inch and moment and all shall be accomplished in the ways of the will of our Father, the I Am.