Walk with Me in Constant Prayer

Child, your heart is well for it is of my heart.  Come and let go that I may take the noise and render it helpless here within The River of the I Am.  I am Our Lady of the River of the I Am where noise cannot enter.

Be filled and taste the love and nurture and wisdom of the River. The River flows in such clarity for the noise that confuses has no place here. I give you view of the clear and loving and Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

The clear waters carry the simplicity and wisdom of our Father, the I Am.  To be renewed with the Living Waters each day is to allow God to walk with us in all things for He is our Father, the I Am.

The wisdom of the River of the I Am is simple and clear.  God's power resides within the River.  All noise includes fear that you are not enough.  All noise includes the waring of man.  All noise includes the sell righteous Adam and Eve mind. All noise includes the idea that your prayers are not heard and attended to.

My child, when you walk with me into the world we are in constant prayer with our Father, the I Am.  We are in constant prayer with my Son, the Lamb.  We flow in constant prayer with the Holy Spirit and we flow in constant prayer with all of the River of the I Am for our prayers come from the communion with God who knows our hearts where prayer originates. 

I ask you to end the fret that your prayers are not being heard.  When we flow as one from the view within the River of the I Am prayer is constant for we walk in the inch and moment where prayer arises. 

I ask only that you slow your heart that we may walk in communion with the River of the I Am. In each inch and moment your opened heart hears what is the will of God.  When you wait upon God to show you the way in the inch and moment you are in constant prayer. Trust what you have been given for your prayer that God's will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven is being heard and attended to.