Be Still and Know Your Mother and Father

Child, by this Tabernacle you are replenished and renewed in all things of your God.  Come and know your mother who carries you into the River of the I Am.  Your today is new and your yesterdays have gotten you to this day that you may be of love and only love all the more and more.

I taste your smile. Come, be still and take in my love and the love of the River of the I Am.  Come, allow your innards to smile as we go deeper into the depths of the River of the I Am for the journey into the depths carries with greater knowledge, wisdom and the great love of the I Am.

On this the Sabbath, my child, know that as you give up all the more and more you gain all the more and more of the ways of your God, the I Am, who presents Himself to you in the ways of your design.

On this the Sabbath, know that my Son is true and real for he flows within and without you.  This, the day of the Sabbath, is for you and me.  Be still, let go and know the love of your mother and Father.