The Self Righteous Adam and Eve Mind Denies Its God

Child, rise up and take yourself into this Tabernacle for your day shall begin with the renewal and love of my heart. Come and know the noise cannot follow you here.  Come and be of the peace that is of my Son.  

I am your mother who knows you in all ways.  I do not judge.  I do not chastise.  I walk with you that you may keep your heart open where you hear and taste me. I give you the ways of the Light of  my womb for to know me is to come to know my Son.

Janine, you could not know love until you opened your heart and allowed all the closed parts to tell their story for much was hidden within your body. To know love you must first come to love yourself in all parts both seen and hidden. Our walk together is the walk of the nakedness of heart and soul. 

Your human ways have closed and walled off parts to stave off the pain and humiliation from those charged with your care. In so doing the Adam and Eve mind rose to ward off this pain and humiliation.  Even in this day, my child, your Adam and Eve mind makes much noise for it continues the want of control.  

I say to you in a loud and clear voice, my child, that all must be opened and made naked to the all of you, for to do so is to empty all of the misguidedness of the self righteous Adam and Eve mind that denies its God.

My child, this is our walk. We walk to make naked the hidden pain and misguidedness not only within you, but also within my chidden. To make naked what is hidden and misguided is to force the Adam and Eve mind to give up its control for when the truth of your story is made naked the Adam and Eve mind must give itself up for its lies are exposed.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.