Mature Love

 My child, come.Come and be of my heart. Come and let go of all that you may hear me within your heart and depths of your entire being. This new day is of you and me. This new day is another day to love and be loved. Today is another day to walk together into the world of the noise that we may bring some peace to those placed before us.

Peace is fleeting for the many who know not Jesus who is and lives and loves us all deeply. It is Jesus who gives us the promise of peace for by His life and death and resurrection has shown us the way. My children come to know Jesus through us even when they know not the name of Jesus for we can pass the peace of Jesus through our love and only love.

Janine, my child, it is Jesus who has given us the River of the I Am that flows with His lifeblood. As we love others with no boundaries or restrictions, my children learn that there is a force that can love beyond the noise of the self righteousness and immaturity of the many who cannot give for they have not been given to.

To be given to grows the giving to for when one sees and tastes such giving there is the desire to give the same to others. To love with no expectations of receiving grows one into the maturity to give without a need to receive. The many of my children need our mothering to see that mature love can give with no expectations of receiving. Ponder this lesson for it foretells of the Kingdom.