Wholeness Fears Not Nakedness

 Good morning, my child, we meet here in the beauty of this day for, by your attendance to this Tabernacle we commune in the ways of mother and child.

Take note of how I am here for you with no matter the time or day. I know you in all parts and I know your want to be of my heart and to take into the world and share what we have.

You cannot share what you don't have, my child. When one of mine is starving, that one has nothing to share. When one of mine is deeply wounded, that one of mine cannot reach out to help heal another for their wound must be healed in order to aid another.

We walk and witness and keep each story within our hearts for each has wounds that must be healed and each has wounds begging to be healed and made whole from brokenness.

One day each child  shall be made whole, whether in this world or the next. But know this, my child, to have been given and to know me within this world is to have been graced. The prayers of those before you have been heard for I and the Holy Spirit have heard the prayers. Let us pray for all of my children who need wholeness for wholeness is a nakedness that fears not nakedness.