To Be of the Mystical and the Human

 Janine, my child, take in my nurture for I feed you with the food of the River of the I Am. Let us be still in the wonderment of God's love for us. We are both of the human. We are both of the seed of God. There are those who place me far from the human for I am given the name of mother to all.

You taste my nurture even in your human form for this is the way of God's Design. The generations have closed themselves to this truth. Each child was meant to have what we have and that is a deep mystical relationship with God while in the body.

Trust comes from entering the depths of your own being where the emptiness and nakedness felt at these depths fills you with the love of God for in your depths your seed and God are reunited in the faith and trust and knowing that God is within you.

Today is another day to be of the mystical and human. You know not how many more days to your human part. Take in the beauty of all of  your senses. They grow here within the River for you to take into the world and share. To be given much is to share it when you are opened and naked of heart.

Let us pray for those who need to see their God within for to do so is to open to the truths of the Kingdom within. Let those with ears to hear, hear.