Wonder in the Unfolding of the Day

 Janine, my child, I rise up within you in this new day. It is a wonder on this new day for we are of God who has made this day in all of its wonder. When you make no demands or restrictions upon  the day the day belongs to the unfolding of wonder.

There are those who cannot live in such wonder for they cannot open to the gifts that are of their own naked soul. Yes, it is sad that there are many of my  children who cannot wonder and allow the day to unfold, but the day unfolds anyway causing many to not be able to manage distractions and unexpected happenings.

Anxiety and angst are the fruits of the inability to wonder and allow the day to unfold. Trust cannot be when you cannot let go and allow the day to unfold for trust in God lies in the unfolding. How can you see the miracles within the unfolding when you run from the day and time by being in the mindset of running?

Peace is the fruit of letting go of the need to run and do and place great pressure on yourself.  Peace is the fruit of slowing down and allowing the day to unfold in the ways of the flow of the River of the I Am where the unfolding takes you in the many ways of God's path into the New Earth.

Wonder is the fruit of allowing the day to unfold. Come and let us wonder in the unfolding of this day. Let those with ears to hear, hear.