God Wishes to Open you to the Wonderment of His Love

 Janine, my child, I am your mother who loves you with no reservations or judgements. Come and allow me to take you into my heart as we move into the depths of the River of the I Am where the mystical resides. You are from God and carry His seed.  

You carry God's seed.  To be opened to your soul at this depth gains you the fruit of love, tolerance of others, love of yourself and awareness that God is alive within you. 

When you connect to God within these depths and levels, faith, trust and wonderment open to you where your senses expand to take in God in His ways of wonderment.

Today may seem to be just another day to the many, my child. When you are here with me and Jesus in the communion with God, it is far more than just another day. It is a day of joy and excitement as to what the day shall uncover in the ways of God's miracles. 

Today we walk and you see through the eyes of wonderment rather than fear. You see through the eyes of selflessness for you are filled to overflowing where selflessness abides. 

To be overflowing in love is to see not only yourself in this wonderment but to also see others and taste the longing to give others what you have.

Janine, my child, You are of God who wishes only to give you all of Himself to you that you and others may have all the more and more of His wonderment.  Let us walk in the knowing that as you give up yourself the more and more to God, there is the more and more of God that becomes opened to you. Let those with ears to hear, hear.