The Walk of Mother and Child

Child, place all of yourself at this Tabernacle that you may let go and be of emptiness that I may fill you.  Let go of your heart, soul, body and spirit that I may take you into my heart and nurture, attend to you and hold you in the embrace of mother and child. 

Your want and holding onto what must be let go was the view given you in your dream.  To have what we have and to be of the River of the I Am within these depths you must allow all to fall away that all may be added.

Walk with me the walk of mother and child as I show you the way of your dream.  Your dream showed you the walk we walk where the confusion gave way to the field of those we witness to and where you were shown your children who were of joy and awaiting you.  

Janine, I was there with you in the ways of the River for in the background you witnessed to the River of the I am that flowed gently and lovingly.  Know that your children are my children and your walk is my walk even into Eternity.  Take heart in your dream for it has shown you there is no need to fear for you shall be protected and taken care of always. The one you feared for the most is the one who has been taken care of.