The Ways of the Mustard Seed

Child, come and know peace.  Come and know me and my nurture.  Come and know my heart that loves you in all ways.  Come and commune where we rest as one within the River of the I Am. Come and witness to the movement of the mountains as promised by the I Am for your faith is as the tiny mustard seed. 

This new day is of you and me. This new day shall show you the ways of the mustard seed where your tiny faith shall  move the mountains as destined by the Light of my womb.

Faith, my child, need be no more than the mustard seed for the faith of the mustard gains you the miracles as promised by our Father and Creator, the I Am. To see the miracles of the mustard seed needs awakeness for to see you must be awake.  Stay awake with me this new day.

The mustard seed is tiny and yet powerful.  The mustard seed need not be seen for the fruits become known and are seen. Keep awake this day and you shall see the fruits of the mustard seed.

Watch for the fruits of faith, my child, for as we witness to one of mine and then another and then another the fruits of the mustard seed shall be tasted and seen. Come and be awakened to the movement of the mountains that the Gospel speaks of.