The Opened Heart is of the Yes

Janine, I call you by name for I am your mother who calls to you to be nurtured in the ways of the River of the I Am.  Come and let go for in emptiness I fill.  In emptiness I give you my heart that you may come to know my love that holds the Light of my womb.

Child, to give birth to the Son of Man has graced me as mother to all.  I come into the world through you and through all of the yes.  I know your human ways and I know your spirit and I know your mystical for all are part of the whole of you and all of my children. 

The whole bears no judgments for our Father, the I Am, knows the ways of your learning and shaping that have come forth from the Adam and Eve mind that has hidden much in the ways of the spirit and the mystical as well as the truth about your body. I know who you are in all parts and make no judgments for I love you. 

I walk and work through you.  It matters not your misguidedness for with your yes the River of the I Am flows to make holy our walk.  Do not fret for your heart is within my heart and therefore, my child, I ask only that you live with your heart opened for the opened heart is the heart of the yes.

Come, be still and be filled.  When you are filled to overflowing we shall walk into the world to fill others.  Your yes shall touch my children.  Your yes shall gain us the graces of the River of the I Am that flow to gather my chidden to their rightful place in God's plan.