Emptiness Allows God to Fill

Child, come and join me and allow me to hold you and take you into my heart that flows deep within the mystical of the River of the I Am.  Let go and allow yourself to be emptied that you may be filled.

Trust is expanded within you today.  It is more than your yesterday for your yesterday grew you in the ways of trust.  When you allow your body to flow from within the mystical of the River all is expanded in the ways of love and only love.  

As we walk this day stay awake to the ways of trust for within each inch and moment is the call to trust. Letting go of the need to attempt to hold what cannot be held gains you in trust.  When there is emptiness and nothing to hold onto you release the boundaries that bind the mystical and you free God to do His work unencumbered.

The emptiness I speak of is of the mystical.  Emptiness is fearful to my children for they are misguided to think emptiness leads to starvation and death.  Rather, to empty is to add to life for in emptiness God fills.  As we walk this day keep empty that you may be filled.  Work to love only in this inch and moment that you may stay awake to the truths of emptiness for emptiness allows God to fill. In staying awake in this inch and moment only you gain in the ways of trust and of the next inch and moment for trust builds upon itself.