The Living Waters of the River of the I Am

Child, sadness cannot overtake you as you attend to this Tabernacle.  Sadness is of the outside world that must taste the end of one life before the beginning of the other that is Eternity.  Come and let go and take in the softness of my touch as I wash away sadness and fear with the Living Waters of the River of the I Am.

Come and take in my nurture.  Come and hold the peace as promised by my Son, the Living Christ.  Come and be of the intimacy of the River where all commune within its Living Waters.

My Child, the mystical is contained within the Living Waters and awaits each child.  Blessed is the child who discovers the Living Waters before the end of earthly life and the beginning of the next.  Blessed is the child who comes to know me before the end of the one life and entrance into the next for to taste the Living Waters while in the body gains much in the peace as promised by my son.

The Living Waters of the River of the I Am flow with the cleansing balm of my heart and flow with the cleansing blood of the Lamb.  Let us walk in the name of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where the power of all of the yes abides.

Rest and take in the peace and warmth of my love.  Rest and take in the gentle flow of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where we commune.  When the time has passed of this communion we shall continue our walk into the outside world. For this inch and moment however, rest in my arms in the nothingness of this depth within the River and take in the all of me.