To Be "In Touch"

 Janine, come and know that it is that time and place again when I carry you into the River of the I Am in the nakedness of mother and child. To be free this is to have no boundaries to bind you from me or the River of the I Am. Take in the beauty and depth of Jesus whose lifeblood is endless and evergrowing.

Today, Janine, my child, take in what is of Jesus. By His life and death, take in what He has given you. Take in the boundless beauty of this time and space that is of Jesus. There is such  joy to be in relationship with Jesus. To know you are loved with no judgments or boundaries is to know the promises of Eternity. To feel this wonder is to know how much you are loved and lovable.

Pay no heed to those who cannot see what you see and attempt to make you appear "out of touch." You taste and touch deeper and deeper each day for you attend to your soul that we may be in touch with others where our joy may be tasted by others. This is why the River of the I Am flows, Janine. The River flows to touch others that others may be in touch with the taste and truth of the River of the I Am.

To be "in touch" is to touch your very depths where Jesus touches your very soul. The relationship with Jesus allows the truth of "to be in touch"  to be understood. Touch much today, my child.