Sit Within Your Depths and Know Jesus

 Child, I know you and I know your fret on some of these days that I will not be here for you.  The sun rises each day as you do and I rise with you each day as well for I am your heavenly mother who loves you. I am your mother who loves you with all of my heart as you love yours with all of your heart.

My yes to God has graced me to be the mother of Jesus as well as your mother for by God's hand I am mother to all. You call me mother. We are mother and child before God. I chose to be your mother for I chose to be the mother of man. Love can be of no other way. 

There are those that fear for they cannot touch Jesus and yet you touch Jesus. There are those that ask why their hands cannot touch Jesus just as doubting Thomas. All are capable of touching Jesus for Jesus lies within their own spaces. To touch oneself is to touch Jesus when you become naked to your own soul.

When you sit with your depths Jesus is there to greet you. Touch Him. Love Him. Know Him. Let us walk to teach of the naked soul that knows its  God.