Walking in Love Makes Life Simple
Janine, my child, I call you by name. Come and be known. Come and be loved. Come and be filled in this new day. God gives life in abundance. Come and receive the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where God's Abundance flows forth from.
Come and awaken to the abundance of God's love for you. This new day holds much for you. Be still and be filled. Be still of heart and allow your depths to take in what is here for you that you may experience the wonderment of God.
Today, my child, stay awake to the wonderment of the inch and moment where the one choice in the one moment moves you to the next where the one builds the next.
There are many of my children who do not see or witness to the power of love that flows from the one inch and builds the next. The many see not their own workings and see not the power of their choices to choose love or choose anger and blame and the want to punish.
The want to love is simple when the heart and soul are the parts that walk with the mind to choose love. It is complicated to choose anger for anger uses not the heart and soul in the choosing leaving only the ego mind to walk in anger and hate and self righteousness. To leave the ego mind alone in the choosing causes much misguidedness for it leaves God out.
Choosing to love with the opened heart and soul makes our walk simple for the guiding Light of Jesus makes love simple and pure. To leave the heart and soul out is to allow the ego mind to control and walk alone for the ego mind seeks only itself and not the relationship with God.