The Heart Holds Awareness of its Roots

 Good morning, my child. I welcome you here to this Tabernacle where we commune in the ways of mother and child.

Take in the breath that tastes me. Take in the love of my heart that holds you in the embrace of my motherhood.  

Our love for each other flows back and forth in the dance of mother and child. I take in your love for me as you take in my love for you. You take in my food that shall sustain you in this day.

I ask nothing and offer much for my heart holds the Light of my womb. I take you into these depths that you may taste Jesus who is the lifeblood of the River of the I Am. 

To know me is to know Jesus. To know Jesus is to know me. As you know you cannot separate mother from her children and you cannot separate children from their mother. 

The heart holds dearly what man deems separated. The heart holds the knowledge of where it came from even in the unawareness of the mind.  The heart holds awareness of its roots. Opening the heart to its soul opens the awareness of its roots.