Love and Only Love Follows You into Eternity

 Child of mine, let us move as one into the depths of the River of the I Am.  We flow in the ways of mother and child. Do not fret any wrong doing for we are one with no matter your worries, sorrows or confusions. Come and allow me to take away all fret and replace it with love and only love. 

My child, I am here. You taste me. You feel my hold. You hear me. You see me but not with the eyes of the body. You see me by my heart that shows you the beauty of what we have.

On that day when you pass into Eternity you shall see all the more and more of me. You grow in love and only love all the more each day for you see the truth of the Kingdom all the more and more each day. Though the River may seem to flow slowly it flows in God's timing and ways.

What you and I open within your time on Earth we open that others after you may have all the more and more of what we have. Just as you pray for yours and then theirs, know that God has designed the River of the I Am to flow that the generations after you may have abundance as well.

The many see life as ending but you see into the future life where all is expanded. What your soul takes in on Earth shall follow you into Eternity.  To love and only love expands into Eternity and never dies. Anger and hate and war is what shall die in the next life when you say yes.