The Epiphanies that Open the Soul

 Janine, my child, come and be held on this new day. Come and know the peace that has been graced  upon us by Jesus, the Lamb, the Savior. Come, be still and know Jesus and me and all of the River of the I Am.

No need to be a saint. No need to prove you are worthy. No need to come and beg for entrance to Heaven. All is needed is the yes to be opened to what is beyond the noise. Jesus asks us not to beg, but rather, to come to Him in relationship. 

Today is another day to love and be loved. To be opened to the yes to that which is beyond the noise is to slow the part of you that asks the question of a God that can love without judgment or control or punishment. 

To be opened is to be of the want to discover your own soul for there in your soul is the truth that lies in wait to be exposed. Once the wisdom of your own soul erupts, you see differently., you taste differently and you gain a knowing that is beyond the noise.

With the yes, the deep knowings surface as the epiphany. This knowing has no words for this knowing is beyond the words that are often misunderstood for words in themselves give off misguidedness. 

Without words you gain the epiphanies that are of God. The deep knowings of the epiphany draws the soul to see, taste, hear, smell and touch that which cannot be done by words alone. Be still and open yourself and the epiphany will rise up.