Words Mean Little in the Face of Example

 Janine, my child, lay all down and come to me that we may be one in communion with my heart and the heart of Jesus who is with us in all things. Today finds us in the beauty of our love with no matter the noise for the noise cannot enter here and what we have.

This Tabernacle is for you. You come to me in the faithfulness of your heart and soul that know this is for your nurture and growth in the ways of mother and child as well as the ways of love and only love.

With no matter the noise you make time for this Tabernacle that is with you always. You are my faithful child, Janine. You gather yourself to me knowing that I am here.  My heart is always ready to nurture and hold you with no restrictions or boundaries or judgments.

If I or Jesus were judges of you, you would fret over attending to your own soul for judgments and or punishments force you to  pull away from rather than move towards to. The child runs with open arms to love and pulls away from chastisement and punishment. Punishment hurts and wounds while love holds and teaches by example.

We walk and teach with love and not judgment. Love tells the truth, not with judgments, but with love. Jesus shows us the way of love and only love by His example. What you call modeling is example. 

The many use words when words mean little in the face of modeling and example. Let those with ears to hear, hear.