We Are All of the Same Brotherhood

 Child, Jesus is with us. Let us be humble in His sight and grateful for the ways of our design. I am your mother and you are my child. The day begins anew. We are mother and child before God. We are mother and child by the design of God.

All children are connected for there was once only one man and one woman. God's plan has made it so. To say this or that one is not of my brotherhood is misguided for all are connected. To defame one is to defame yourself. To love another is to love yourself.  All returns to you in the ways of either love that grows or anger that stalls.

To be of the model of love is to know hope. To be of the heart of my heart is to have hope and faith and trust in the will of God that all will be granted in love and only love.

Hate, anger, jealousy, self righteousness and misguidedness shall become the fodder of the garden of the New Earth. Hope is the trusting of God's promises.