Jesus is Humbleness

 Janine, my child, I welcome you here to this Tabernacle. I welcome you into my heart that holds, nurtures and loves you.  We flow into the depths of the River of the I Am where we commune in the ways of mother and child.

Do not take lightly the wonder of mother and child. God's gift to all is to be nurtured by mother and loved with no judgments or boundaries. The nurture of mother to her child is God's gift for to be mother and child in this deep connection is to watch God's Love moving from Him to you.

Just as I nurture with no boundaries, so too, God nurtures through Jesus with no boundaries. My love holds you with no restrictions or demands. Jesus loves with no restrictions or demands. 

As mother feeds her child in the holding and feeding, so too I hold you, feed you and love you with a love that fills you with the food of everlasting life. You grow in the shadow of my love and holding and nurturing.

Jesus walks with us in the same way for He comes to feed the hungry and poor of soul and heart as I do.  In humbleness I fed Jesus. In humbleness I feed you. I do not take lightly my design to love all of God's children.  

Let us walk today in the humbleness of mother and child and in the humbleness of mother to those placed before us. The humbleness of our motherhood gives all back to the honor of Jesus who is humbleness.