You Cannot Separate What God Has Brought Together.

 Child, breathe the breath that calls out to me.  Breathe the breath that takes you to me where we flow into the depths of the River of the I Am.  Come and commune with me within this Tabernacle.  Come and know that Jesus communes with us for all is done through Him within the River of the I Am.

Janine, my child, do not fret for I am with you as is my Son.  As Jesus becomes the more and more within you, you fear that I will become the less. I shall always be with you. I shall always attend to you at this Tabernacle for I am your mother forever. 

Yes, Jesus is becoming the more and more within you. Yes, you are learning of His peaceful ways. Yes, you have learned to end the war within.  Yes His soft voice shows you the way and yes, you are ending your day in review with Him.

My dear child, you have learned that you must give allegiance to one and forfeit the other. This is not the way of God for to love one is to learn to love another. I have come to you that you may learn of the false gods of your childhood. In making naked the false gods you were opened to see the One true God.

To love me is to come to know and love my Son, Jesus, and to love Jesus is to love me, His mother. No need to make complicated what is simple.  Come and be still and allow me to show you my love in the presence of my Son.  Come and taste Jesus who walks with us in all things. You cannot separate what God has brought together.