Prayer is Within the Relationship with Jesus

 Child, come and rest and be still of heart that you may taste my nurture and my attention.  Come and know me and my heart and the Light of my womb, Jesus. 

Janine, I and my Son walked the Earth just as you.  We know your humanness. God's love surpasses all for it surpasses your humanness. Love reaches the soul and love reaches your God for the two become one when you open your soul to Him.

I know your heart and your want to be kind and loving. Each day you come to me that you may absorb more and more of my love. Each day you review the day with Jesus with no judgments or boundaries to separate you from your Savior.

Love grows within you.  The way of love of neighbor as yourself grows within you for to be in relationship with Jesus teaches you that you as well as each child has great value. Each child that is placed before us has great value.

You are learning from Jesus to bear witness to all placed before you as well as all that rises up within the world. With the ways of the world you are made aware of the plight of many of my children.  Jesus asks that you witness the plight of others with Him.

You grow in understanding that prayer is within the relationship with Jesus for to witness with Him is to grow prayer deep within you.  You rid yourself of noise because you walk with Jesus where noise cannot be.