Each Soul is made Pure

 Janine, my child, come and feel the breath that lets go and the breath that takes in my love as we flow deeper into the River of the I Am. Taste my nurture that fills you and shows you the love that is of your heavenly mother.

I am your mother who never comes between to take away, but rather, I come to add to you that you may know the love of my Son, who is in the Father.  I come in the humbleness of my heart and I ascribe all to the Light of my womb. I love with God's motherly ways.  I love with my heart that holds each child for each is worthy of love and only love.

When you see the misguidedness within the world you see from my heart that knows the soul of each is pure for it has been made so by God. You see and taste my love that judges never for each child begins pure and shall end in the nakedness of their own soul where the truth of God abides.

My heart sees evil, Janine. My heart sees my children who have been handcrafted by God. I see the human pain and misguidedness. I see the rise of the self righteous ego mind. I see the starvation of my children. I see the confusion of those who become lost. I see those that seek their God.

In all of this, Janine, I see you and I see your love for mine as I love mine. Let us walk in prayer that, as we attend to each child placed before us, God shall draw the good that flows from the one to the other. Let us pray that the love and only love to another shall draw the other and then the other where one day all shall know God as you and I do.

Walk with me in the ways of the witness and be awake to the miracles of the opened heart.