The Soul is Designed to share Itself with Others

 Child I am pleased that you come to me in this time and in this way. This Tabernacle awaits your presence that we may commune in the ways of mother and child. This Tabernacle opens to you. All you need do is place your hands on this Tabernacle and call out to me. In the breath that your heart calls here I am. In the instant you place your hands on this Tabernacle here I am.

Janine, you await your children's call with no matter the time or day or interruption. Just as you carry your children and await their call, so too I await. your call. As we commune within the depths of the River of the I Am you are learning the ways of my motherly heart where there are no times not interruptions that can keep us apart.

One day builds upon another and each depth takes you deeper into the Light where Jesus becomes all the  more and more true and real to you.  You cannot abide within these depths without knowing and tasting Jesus.  As you prepared for sleep in your yesterday, you renewed your commitment with Jesus. The silence became so deep that you communed without words and reviewed your day with Him in pictures.  There were no judgments, just love. There were no reprisals, just love, There were no calls for you to change, just love. The pictures were a way to commune with Jesus where you reviewed the day in love and only love and you witnessed to your day with Him. 

Janine, there can be no greater love between two people than to share the love that is within the soul.  The soul is designed to share itself with others in a nakedness that judges never, holds always and shares much without the need to be right, without the need to use many words and without the need to own or control another.  Jesus was with you last night and shared with you the ways of your soul. This is the meaning of  the Gospels that tell of giving oneself up for another. This is the love that gave Jesus reason to give Himself up for you.  This is true love, my child.