The Ego Mind is a False God

 Child, come and present yourself to this Tabernacle in the humbleness of your heart and soul. Come and know the humbleness of my heart that loves you. I am your mother who awaits you in any time or space for this is of God's plan.

Man has been misguided since the beginning of time.  God asked "who told you, you were naked?"  This is the story of the separation between God and man for man closed himself off from God. 

God has never left you or any man for He has placed Himself  deep within you where no man may invade or destroy. Janine, my child, you must come to see that man has closed himself off from God and not the other way around. God awaits the making naked of what has been clothed that the relationship between Him and man may be restored.  

The ego mind is a false god that wishes to replace God.  The ego mind hides itself with the clothing of war and self righteousness. The ego mind of Adam and Eve to this day cannot end its pride. It is because of its pride that it cannot lay down its weapons that make war. Rather than lay down its weapons of self righteousness and envy, the ego mind rages war and seeks to take the whole with it.

When the ego mind is made naked the wrappings of falsehoods are made known.   The ego mind then takes its place in the background that the heart and soul may take its rightful place in the foreground where God abides. In nakedness you cannot hide. In nakedness you see God as God truly is. God is a loving God and never makes war.

You know God by His peaceful ways and you know evil by its ways of war.