The Noise Rises Up To Temp You

 Child, come and awaken to your heart that calls to me that we may commune within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and learn from my heart. Come and be filled with my love and nurture that we may be as one.

Take in the renewal of all parts that walk as one this day.  Come and take in the soft and gentle cleansing of the all of you. Come and take in the freshness of this new day.

To begin anew each day is to have the old cleansed by the Living Waters of the River of the I Am. Come and be renewed that we may walk into the world armed with God's love and peace and joy.

My child, you are in love. You are in love with Jesus who shows you the way.  Each time the noise rises up and asks you to judge, the soft voice of my Son shows you the way to counter the noise. In your yesterday the noise asked you to judge in the ways of old by using daming words towards another.  These are of the old ways of your learning and rise up to catch you off guard.

Jesus countered your shaping and learning by speaking to you and showing you the temptations of the noise. These are the temptations of the ego mind.  You are being tempted to say yes to the noise.  With Jesus you say to the noise, "Be Gone."

The noise of your learning rises up without your consent, my child, for this is the way of the temptations of the noise. Know that with Jesus you are being shown the way out of the temptations. Let the joy of intimacy with Jesus carry you in all things and the noise shall become less and less.