Let Your Heart and Soul Shine Brightly

 Child, come and be known.  Come and awaken to the truth that is before you. Do not seek the truth within the noise for it is often bitter and holds much misguidedness. Come and take in what is before you for my heart and my nurture feed you with the food of life everlasting. My nurture is sweet for it holds the lifeblood of my Son, the Lamb, the Savior.

The lesson of this day is to see and taste the sunshine that makes bright your entire being. It matters not the ways of the outside world where the sun does not always shine.  The Light that is within your soul shines always whether or not the sun shines in your outside world for by the lifeblood of Jesus your being shines with His truths.  The sunshine within your soul knows that you shall be with Him in the Garden of Eden. 

Janine, my child, your heart and your soul shine brightly when they remain in the opened position. You are the controller of your heart now for there are no more bindings of your learned misguidedness to bind your heart and soul. To be free of the bindings is to enjoy the Light that shines within you always. 

Jesus walks with you. I walk with  you. The Light of the River of the I Am flows within you and through you for you have allowed the misguidedness deep within you to rise up before the witness where in nakedness and emptiness you found God.

Come and walk with me and with Jesus and with all of the River of the I Am.  All walk with us to bring God's children to their rightful place in God's Kingdom. Remain opened of heart and soul and allow the Light to shine always.