Peace Gathers More Peace

 Janine, my child,  let go and allow me to take you into the River of the I Am. You have gained much by attendance to your soul for with each new day you are the more and more of Jesus and the less and less of the noise.

You are witness to the ways of moving from the war of the noise to the peaceful ways of Jesus. In your yesterday you chose to not war in many of the inches and moments.  I give you you view of the soul that moved from war to peace.  You fed not the war within another and waited until you could feed with the food of peace. Rather than remain in the noise of war you moved into the space and place of peace,

Janine, my child, you are moving beyond the noise that asks and begs you to make war in the name of righteousness and in the name of teaching another by what you call confronting. Your old learning taught you to make war to teach another. 

You are learning from Jesus now. You are learning to be of peace now. Rather than making war, you are learning to witness. When the timing is just right, Jesus speaks to you in His soft voice that teaches the way He teaches and that is with a story that never declares war. Rather, the stories give choice to another for the space between you and another drowns out the noise. War gathers more war and peace gathers more peace.