God's Justice Holds Each in Love

 Janine, I await you and your attendance to this Tabernacle.  Come and place your hands on this Tabernacle and know we move as one into the depths of the River of the I Am.

I hold you and take you into my heart that you may come to know the Light of my womb. Come and taste the love that fills you, attends to you and ends the boundaries that separate. Come and be of the River where love flows through us for God places Himself here within the River.

The River flows in the justice of love that holds each very dear and with a love that cannot be of the Earth as of yet. God's justice is a word not understood by the many as of yet.  Justice in God's ways holds no judgments, but rather, holds each with love and only love.

Janine, we walk with the love of our Father and God who gave us Jesus that we may know His justice. When you come to know Jesus you learn that justice does not seek punishment. Rather, justice seeks out love that each may come to know that Jesus speaks to your soul and not to your misguidedness. 

Jesus walks with us this new day that God's justice may prevail where all souls are made naked and where the noise of misguidedness is exposed.  Exposing the falsehoods of the noise makes naked the misguidedness and opens the soul.  

Let us walk with the knowing that you are of God's justice that seeks no punishment or revenge.  I walk with you through your soul that your soul may speak to another soul and then another for one soul opens another and then another. To speak to another's soul is to open that soul that it may see its God.