God's Garden Rises Through the Ashes of the Old
Child, your love for me is known. Come and be of my heart on this new day of our God and Father. Come and know the ways of my heart and the effortless way we flow within the River of the I Am. Come and take in the beauty of this Garden that flows within our communion.
The Garden that flows deep within the River graces us with God's love and gentleness. The many of my children have not tasted this gentleness. Your dream of last night was one of the burning of your old house and you could not save it. You knew there could be no saving it.
Jaine, my child, though the dream appeared to be one of loss, you have gained much in the ways of this new depth within the River for the home of your old was burned that new life may rise up within you on this new day.
The effortlessness of our communion is deeper today for the old has been ground into the River and has made God's garden all the more beautiful. Take in the beauty of this new day for it is graced with beauty and love. Take in the scent of the Garden. Take in the beauty before you this new day. Take in the love that flows through us in this communion. Take in the great love that is deep within for it is by God's hand that we commune.
The burning of the old house needed to occur so that you may take in the new house of God's Garden. To see and taste within this depth required the burning of the old that the new may rise through the ashes. The entrance into Eternity requires the burning of the old that the new may rise up through the ashes as well. Ponder my words for they foretell of the letting go of one life that another may rise.