It is Time to End Your Childish Ways

 My dear Janine, Come and be with the Holy Spirit that flows through all within the River of the I Am.  All flow as one for the River holds all within the palm of our Creator's hands. Come and take in my nurture that is of our God and Father for I am given the task and name of Our Lady of the River of the I Am.

By my yes we are mother and child.  By my yes we walk with my Son, the Lamb. Listen to the words of the Lamb, my Son, the Christ, for His words flow forth from this Tabernacle.  Let those with ears to hear, hear.

"I love with a love that is of no gender for I love each according to their seed as created By God.  Would God make a child with intention to be outcast and dwell in hell for being of his/her design?   Would God make a child of color and then say he/she is not of the same importance as all colors?  Would God use gender to force one upon the other?  Would the God of all place Himself into His creation with great love and then make him/her suffer from what the self righteous call not of God?"

"I understand your worry and fret but it is time, Janine, to end your childish ways of worry and fret. You cannot say you trust me and then not trust me."

"I understand your fret but you must trust all the more when there is much darkness.  In the darkness, I abide, Janine.  In the darkness we are the closer for you must trust that I shall lead you out of the darkness and into the light.  You have done what you have been called to do and now you must trust in me.