The Lifeblood of God Within Your Veins

 The Lifeblood of God Within Your Veins

Child, come to me and let go of all needs, wants and desires that I may fill you with the all of me.  I am your mother who fills you with love, nurture and attention that you may know how much you are loved. 

Come and know my Son who is your brother and who died for you that you may live. The Living Waters of the River of the I Am flows through you for it is the LifeBlood of your soul.  

Child, learn this lesson, it matters not if any child is aware of the Living Waters that flow through their blood.  Do you need to know that you have air in your lungs? Do you need to know that your heart beats? Do you need to feel the blood flow through your veins?

You need not know in awareness that the LifeBlood of the River of the I Am flows through you for it to flow through you. It is of great value to taste the LifeBlood of my Son within you as it flows for this is the way of God who longs to have all hearts opened to the LifeBlood of His Son that flows within.

When you taste the heart beat with the LifeBlood of the River you taste your God. God sent His Son to gather all into the Kingdom where His LifeBlood sustains and guides each into the River of the I Am where Eternity flows forth from. To taste my Son while in your earthly body graces you much.