We Weep for Another Knowing Jesus Weeps with Us

 Child, come and let me hold you for you are in need of your mother in this new day.  The world has much pain and war.  The only true home is here within this Tabernacle that flows within the depths of the River of the I Am. Come and let go that you may be filled with the peace as promised by my Son. Rest here within my arms that hold and renew you.

Janine, joy is of the River.  Peace is of the River.  My Son, the Lamb, began the flow of the River that God's promises may be fulfilled.  Yes, my child, you can weep for those who are in such pain and war. But you have to come to know this, there is peace and love and faith that is also of your being. The pain did not overcome you for you have Jesus with you in all things. 

We weep when it is time to weep in witnessing to the pain and sorrow within the world.  At the same time we are of faith and joy and peace that knows God walks with us and holds us in the palm of His hand. You need not fear or worry for all shall be made perfect one day.

I give you view of your yesterday where we gave witness to great pain.  As my child wept with pain and agony our hearts wept with my child. At the same time we gave glory to God for we know all shall be healed and made perfect one day.

Janine, to be of the sacred witness is to have walked the path to your own wholeness. You cannot weep for another until you have wept for yourself and until you have made naked all parts that all parts may be made whole. 

Let us weep for those who are in such great need of their mother and let us walk in peace knowing all shall one day be made perfect. We weep for another in the knowing Jesus weeps with us and Jesus holds us and Jesus shall make whole what has been broken.