In Wholeness You Taste Your God

 Child, come and be made whole.  Come and be renewed in the ways of love and wholeness for all parts are made naked within this Tabernacle that you may be filled with love and know a wholeness that is of the River of the I Am.

On this new day know that wholeness is the awakening of all parts that were forced to hide because of wounds placed upon you within the outside world. Wholeness is the learning of and making naked those parts that were forced to hide.   These parts along with those not hidden comprise what you call the true self.  I say to you my child, that wholeness is the reuniting of all parts hidden from view.  All parts as designed by God are meant to be exposed and not hidden from view.

When you expose a hidden part, life within is expanded.  Life with God is expanded for the true self knows its God.  When all hidden parts are united, the self becomes whole.

In wholeness the all of  you is seen.  In wholeness you taste your God for the seed within is no longer hidden from yourself or from the view of others.  This, my child, gains you the knowing that the River of the I Am is real and flows unto Eternity for to be whole is to be awake and in communion with the One who handcrafted  you.

Come and keep all opened that you may walk in wholeness with me into the world where we gather my chidden into the River of the I Am. In wholeness others see what we have for it is written in your countenance.  My children come to know me through your countenance.