The Deep Knowing Rising from Your Soul

 Janine, come and fret not for I am here and I await you that I may hold you and fill you. You fret that I will become less as Jesus becomes more in your life.

I am with you always and we walk with Jesus as one. I take you to this depth where you can see and taste us as one with Jesus.  Take in this holding. Drink in the Living Waters that flow through us and connect us in communion as one.

I open your heart to hear with the ears of your heart where Jesus and I abide. Hear the differences in the way you hear for you know the difference between the soft voice of Jesus and the motherly voice of my heart. 

Your human body has difficulty with understanding that we are one and yet when you are here within these depths it is known. It is the knowing within your soul that you come to know the ways of the River of the I Am. It is not by words that you understand this but by the deep knowing that rises up from your soul. 

Let go of your hands for a moment and allow this deep knowing to take root for it shall be with you into Eternity. This deep knowing is yours and it shall be each time you enter this solitude of your heart and soul.