Jesus and I Weep with You

 Janine, my child, I hold you. I nurture you. I know you and I know your heart that loves deeply. Your love for me is known. Do not let go of my heart for it shall sustain you in these days. 

For these moments take in my motherly heart that knows your love for me and knows your love for Jesus.  I hold you in your pain and sorrow. I hold you in your pain for yours for they are mine. Your pain is known, my child.

Hear the soft voice of Jesus as He takes on your pain. In relationship you are taken and held by me and Jesus. You are never alone for we walk as one with Jesus. We walk as one with you, my child. 

The tears you shed shall never be for naught for love weeps for those loved.  Jesus and I weep with you. Our love for you and yours flows deeply, Janine. We can't take away the pain. We take on the pain with you.