Be in Relationship and Not in Judgment

 Janine, my child, take the breath of letting go. Take the breath of my heart that holds you and moves you into the depths of the River of the I Am where the gentleness and peacefulness of Jesus flows with us and within us as one. Let yourself take in and taste my nurture that prepares you for the day.

This new day holds much. Your yesterday grew you in the ways of your awareness of the beauty of relationship. You are learning that relationship with Jesus is spreading to others for what He gives you in relationship changes you and flows to others with no matter or worry on your part. Jesus works with His Holy Spirit through you to others. You need not take control, but rather, join in the relationship with Jesus where control is left behind. 

You are learning to trust relationship all the more and more. To be in relationship with Jesus at these depths is to come to know that all are of Jesus and all are in some form of relationship with you. 

I give you view of your yesterday where you witnessed to all with no regard to the noise that asked and begged you to place judgment on the right or wrong of what you cannot see. You see what is merely on the surface of life and not the depths. 

To walk with Jesus is to see the misguidedness of life that flows on the surface of the River of the I Am. To walk with Jesus is to see from the depths of the River where you walk in a deep relationship with Him where the truth of life abides.  Your heart is expanding and you shall see all the more of love that seeks only relationship and not judgment.