The "Great Misguidedness"

 Janine, you do well to make this space holy by your attention to making it humble as your soul is humble. As you place yourself before me, take in the attention you give to this Tabernacle. You place your hands on this Tabernacle and allow yourself to let go of your entire being that you may taste and hear me.

The scent of this Tabernacle is of the beauty of the expansion of your senses. The love we have is of the grace of our Father who has given us the River of the I Am where the Lifeblood of Jesus flows forth from.

You are learning of the tremendous amount of love that is contained in God becoming man. To know that man could not redeem himself alone is to know how much God loves man. 

Jesus has shown you that he died for you.  To know this on the level of the mind is one thing but to taste it in intimacy with Him is another. You have wept knowing you are so loved that He died for you and not "just some other person."

Your ego needed to believe you could not have sinned so badly that Jesus needed to die for you. Now you know the truth. He died for you because of the "Great Misguidedness" passed down to you that lurks within your oftentimes hidden ego.

You have carried prejudice. You have carried the self righteousness of man that says you are above others. You have sinned the sin of judgment for you were taught that judgment is necessary.

You have been given a set of rules that are against God through the "Great Misguidedness." Today you walk with Jesus who shows you those misguided rules and you are learning all the more and more of why Jesus has died for you.