The Hands of Jesus Within the Dark Night

 Come, my child, and as you place yourself before this Tabernacle, know that your hands become my hands and your heart flows into my heart where we commune and where I feed you with all things of Jesus. Jesus is where we begin and end for it is by His yes that we are mother and child.

Today is anew and you are fed anew. You are holding the hand of Jesus as we walk from within the dark night. Letting go within the dark night is to trust Jesus beyond what can be seen by your earthly eyes. You are letting go of all that can be seen on the surface of the River where the truth does not abide.

Hear the soft voice of Jesus as He walks with you within the dark night. Feel His hands upon you as you walk this day within the dark night. By days end you shall see within the dark night for Jesus shall be your eyes and ears and heart. You are learning to allow Jesus to show you the way in your sorrow and pain for He is the way.