The Truth of Your Worthiness

 Janine, my child, I hold you and love you. Place yourself before me at this Tabernacle on this new day of our Lord. I give you my heart that you may be loved and love as I love. I mother you that we may mother others for we walk in the communion of mother and child.

Perfection must not be of your worry. Your definition of perfection must be removed for you see perfection as the need to prove your worthiness. You need to see yourself from the view of the River of the I Am. Perfection is a word that is misguided and misused in the outside world and it has no meaning in the Heavens. You are given the mark of God for you carry your soul that has been given you by God. You carry the purity of God within your soul. You carry your design within your soul.

What God has designed is pure and perfect. Your soul is therefore pure and perfect.  The noise sees perfection as a need to do or be something in the outside world to show others you are above them. Others, like you, seek perfection that they may be known and loved and marked as of God. 

No need to seek perfection to prove to God that you are worthy, my child, for you are worthy by your mark placed upon you by God. Do not dishonor God by denying the truth of your worthiness.