The Lovesong of the Kingdom

Child, I am here. Fear never.  Come, and as you awaken on this new day, know that I, your mother, await your turning to me that I may feed you. Ah, my child, that breath has awakened you to me for by this breath you enter this Tabernacle. How glorious is it that I am graced to feed you with my nurture and the ways of my motherhood. As I mother you, your grow to mother in the ways of the Light of my womb.

Today is a new day of our Lord and as such it shall be graced by our yes to God for by our yes we do His work to gather others into the River of the I Am.

When you attend to your soul here, all slows down with you for to take me in you must slow yourself. Warm yourself in the fire of my love for I love with the fire of love and only love.

I remind you of the greatness of our commitment to walk into the world with Jesus to touch others, one child at a time, that the child before us learns that love is the answer. Love counters hurt. Love counters rage. Love counters abandonment. Love counters fear. To love without judgment or boundaries is to love wholeheartedly. 

Come, be still and be filled and taste my love for you. When you are filled we shall rejoice here within the River in the quietness of the solitude of the peace of love and only love. Let me hold you as you take in the scent of the Garden of God's Kingdom. Allow your senses to take it all in, Janine. Take in my love that loves wholeheartedly. Let me sing you the lovesong of the Kingdom that touches all of your senses.