To Be of the Earth is a Grace and Not a Tragedy

 My dear Janine, I am graced to be here with you at this Tabernacle.We are graced to be mother and child. Come and be held and nurtured. Come and let our communion become prayer. When we walk in the ways of our design we join the River of the I Am in the prayer of gratitude.

When we are in the embrace of mother and child we are being the nurturer and nurtured. I nurture and you are the nurtured. The grace to be mother and child is to be of our design. To bury the grace of our design is to hide from God. To be naked of heart and soul is to allow ourselves to see God as God truly is and that is love and only love.

The child who is free to just be has great joy. The child who is allowed to be free with no judgments is truly free. Let us bask in the sunlight of our souls that are in communion. 

The noise of the world says this communion cannot be for I am spirit and you are of the Earth. And yet, Janine, you taste my love here at this Tabernacle. We commune here at this Tabernacle. You know my heart that is of Jesus. You are in relationship with Jesus where your soul and His commune.

To be of the Earth is not a tragedy but is grace. To be of the Earth is not a destiny of punishment but a destiny of Eternal joy should you become open to it. 

We walk to love and nurture where the heart feels and tastes love. The heart and soul are opened by the love of nurturer who nurtures with no expectation other than nurture. We walk to nurture my children with no expectations that those placed before us may feel nurtured and in turn open to their design.