Jesus Speaks to You of You

 Janine, my child, I take you into the depths of the River of the I Am where Jesus speaks to you of you. Do not fear for it is the noise that says this cannot be. I say to you it is. 

You fear the soft voice of Jesus who speaks to you of you. When we walk as sacred witness to others you hear Jesus and you know it is Jesus. Now you worry when Jesus speaks to you of you. 

You have moved into the deeper waters of the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where Jesus is speaking to you of you. In the ways of the sacred witness there is relationship that extends to another. When it is just you and Jesus about you the noise clangs at you to not believe. You fear the soft voice of Jesus may be the noise.

Janine, my child, why is it easier to believe in the soft voice of Jesus when in relationship with others and not so easy when it is just you and Jesus?

I say to you that it is because the intimacy of just you and Jesus is taking hold and it is frightening for the world says that you cannot be in intimate relationship with Jesus, the Master. To be in this intimate relationship means you know Jesus as the person, the One who loves you so much that He gave His life for you. 

You are walking with me each day to let the world know that Jesus is asking to be in relationship with you and each child of God. Jesus wishes to be known within the you and me. Ponder this, Janine, for it foretells of more expansion of your heart and soul. To hear the soft voice of Jesus speak to you of you is expanding.