The Light that is Visible in the Darkness

 My child, you come to me on this new day with the brightness of the new day. Take in the beauty of the Light that is with you and through you and then out into the world. I commune with you within the depths of the River of the I Am. Take in these depths of the River for it shines with the brightness of God's love and Redeemer, Jesus.

Janine, even what may appear to be the dark depths of the River of the I Am there is only Light. The darkness has given way to the Light even when surrounded by darkness.

The River is as in your last night where, rather than see the darkness within your room the Light within your soul rose up to meet you With your eyes closed the Light came into your awareness. The Light was peaceful and loving where the darkness could not be. The Light is of Jesus. The Light communed with you. 

Your awareness of yesterday is the way of the River of the I Am and the way of Eternity for the darkness shall give way to the Light just as you experienced last night. Even in the darkness of what appears to be dark and hollow and dead the Light shines through. Take in the lesson of this beautiful Light that is with us in all things. The Light of Jesus is with you and me as we walk into the world to carry love and only love into the darkness. Take not lightly the Light that was visible to you in the darkness.