Keep Today Simple

 Janine, my child, come. Place yourself before this Tabernacle and take in the breath of the River of the I Am. Come and love as I love. Come and take in my heart that takes you into the depths of the River of the I Am where you are grown in the ways of God's design.

Today is simple. Keep it simple. Today shall flow in the simplicity of the River of the I Am where the arduous cannot be. To let go and give to God the all of you is to receive the simplicity of love and only love. As Jesus told us, "my peace I give you, my peace I leave you." Peace is simple but elusive for the many who know not the simplicity of the River of the I Am.

In simplicity it is no longer your ts to judge. In simplicity it is no longer yours to fret. In simplicity your walk is given to Jesus for His yoke takes and makes simple what the world asks you to make complex with judgments and frets. 

You cannot end war with more war and noise. Yet, my child, with simplicity, wars shall end for love and only love shall one day overtake the noise and wars shall end both within and without. 

Come and bring this joy into the world for Jesus lived, died and still lives that the Covenant shall one day be cast upon the world through God's Love. Let those with ears to hear, hear.