The River of the I Am Flows in All Directions

 Janine, take the breath of letting go that you may take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am where we commune on this new day. Yesterday has been placed behind us and what you have learned of the Kingdom is  now a part of your deepest parts. That which is not of the River from yesterday has been laid to rest and no longer weighs you down,

Your yesterday gave you vision and taste of the buoyancy of the River. As you set about the day, you gave credence to what carries joy into those we walked with. You gave credence and witness to your joy of just being and following your heart that carries Jesus. 

As you take in the Living Waters of the River of the I Am and give yourself to listening to the soft voice of Jesus, you are learning to see from all the directions of the flow of the River of the I Am. It is harder to see the flow of the River from only one direction for you are changed. You see how the River flows in many directions. 

No more can  you see the right or wrong, but rather, you see the River of love sans right and wrong. The River flows in love where you see from the view of its many directions. Where there was once self righteousness in the right and wrong you now see love that passes over and through such judgments. 

The Living Waters of the River of the I Am flow in so many directions that to judge one over or better than the other is to die to the truth. You are dying to the false gods of the Earth and joining the true God within the flow of the River of the I Am where the River flows in all directions. Let those with ears to hear, hear.