Sit With the Child Within You

 Child, let go of yourself that you may attend to this Tabernacle in the nakedness of heart and soul that I may fill you with my love and nurture. Take note of the noise that leaves you as you come to me. Take note of your breath that takes in the peace of this holy place. 

Your heart is opened and naked before me. I see and taste your heart that loves me. I see and taste the little one called Faith that knows love is the only need from you and me.

Faith has no need for the adult ways. She needs only to live and be loved. She is the child of the Gospel that comes to you and me with arms opened and reaching out to be loved.

Do not deny Faith, Janine. Give her time and attention. Love holds, attends to and reaches out. Dance, feed, sing and hold the love of Faith that is deep within you. She is the part that shall guide you for she knows the love of God.  She is the closest to Him.

Ponder the little one called Faith and sit with her where there is little need for words. Love is tasted with no need for words. Sit with the child within you for she is closest to God.